My god, I long for the days of Paul Ryan. How gross is that?
I don't. They are the root that spawned Dump. Without Reagan and all his disciples we never would have gotten to this point.
My god, I long for the days of Paul Ryan. How gross is that?
I don't. They are the root that spawned Dump. Without Reagan and all his disciples we never would have gotten to this point.
Dude, if we're playing Wishing Well I'll snuff every R from Nixon on. I'm just trying to reset to a reasonable save point to give us more time to kill fascists.
He had to say it because he made the promise before. Who gives a crap what the orcs think he has constituencies to satisfy and promises to keep.
I prefer less noise and he could fulfill the promise without announcing it. This isn't that difficult.
I prefer less noise and he could fulfill the promise without announcing it. This isn't that difficult.
The GOP is going to complain no matter what. So who gives a fark.
Typical short-sided replies. The downside would have been less sans the proclamation without question.
Typical short-sided replies. The downside would have been less sans the proclamation without question.
Lindsay Graham is far more supportive of a black woman than Susan.
Susan agrees with you. She said biden politicized this but that trump saying he’d replace rbg with a woman wasn’t the same. Nor was his saying he’d only pick judges from the preselect federalist list.
susie also wouldn’t rule out supporting trump in 2024. Really hope she walks into oncoming traffic soon
A new ABC News/Ipsos poll finds that a plurality of Americans view the Supreme Court as motivated by partisanship, while President Joe Biden's campaign trail vow to select a Black woman to fill a high-court vacancy without reviewing all potential candidates evokes a sharply negative reaction from voters.
The ABC News/Ipsos poll, which was conducted by Ipsos in partnership with ABC News using Ipsos' KnowledgePanel, comes days after the most senior member of the Supreme Court, Justice Stephen G. Breyer, announced his retirement at the end of the current term. Breyer's announcement provides Biden the opportunity to change the demographic makeup of the conservative-leaning bench.
And you know this how exactly?
I recently saw somewhere that no SCOTUS justice has ever served as a public defender. Maybe that's true maybe it isn't, but it certainly sounds about right. And that's really fucked when you consider the number and vulnerability of the people who need protection under public defenders.
There's no such thing as the most perfectly qualified SCOTUS justice. It's why there's only basic classifications from the ABA.
If someone is qualified, great. You're never going to convince me that there are more qualified candidates than the two black women already named publicly. If you stripped their identifying information I'd say, "Yeah, these are pretty fucking good nominees. Who are they?" Which bypasses all this identity over qualifications nonsense from the right.
On the other hand, we SHOULD have at least equal representation on the Supreme Court assuming all are qualified. Because identify informs opinions. You just can't divorce the two. Having nine old straight white men will never allow the bench to make truly informed decisions on the law. The law does not live in a vacuum in black and white ink. Not at that level. Arguments are made in conference behind closed doors. and without representation in that argument, you're relying on someone else to make an impassioned argument on your behalf. It's just not the same.
I recently saw somewhere that no SCOTUS justice has ever served as a public defender. Maybe that's true maybe it isn't, but it certainly sounds about right. And that's really fucked when you consider the number and vulnerability of the people who need protection under public defenders.
Now, we've got a chance to give black women a voice on the Supreme Court for the first time ever. She'd be every bit as qualified as a justice as any of her white male counterparts. However, a white male is not qualified for this vacancy.
I don't disagree. But it would be very well possible to achieve this without the statement that was given.