Deutsche Gopher Fan
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Susan says it’s a lifetime appointment and we need to slow down.
im going to throw a fucking parade the day she kicks the bucket
im going to throw a fucking parade the day she kicks the bucket
Susan says it’s a lifetime appointment and we need to slow down.
im going to throw a fucking parade the day she kicks the bucket
Fuck her with a snowblower
Oh look. Susan Collins is concerned about the speed of the upcoming pick.
Pull Drew off the top of her first.
Oh look. Susan Collins is concerned about the speed of the upcoming pick.
It's just her usual "concerned" schtick. She'll vote to confirm.
She can eat a bag of Maine lobster dicks.
I agree. Maine fucked up big time by reelecting her. The sad thing is there are 49 other Republican senators that are even worse.
1. Even with Biden having every intention of dialing in on a black woman for the nomination (and I know the counter-arguments that are already coming to this) he could have done without saying it outloud
2. Yes I know Reagan flat out said the court needs a woman but the orcs are incapable of understanding what the means
3. Sometimes a bit of tact goes a long way
That said I freaking love the schadenfreude of the knuckle-draggers whining about "nominate the best candidate" after the effed over Biden and pushed through Baby Huey. If Biden gets his nominee through it will be a way too long momentous occasion happening that makes so many heads explode.
Murkowski is probably better on balance (it's very close), so 48.
They are all fascist-adjacent so hang them all for treason.
Honestly I would take Romney over both of them...
Honestly I would take Romney over both of them...
Which makes it an incredibly low bar. Romney seems more Plutocrat than anyone else.
Hard to beat Manchin. Or even Pelosi. Not to mention Feinstein. But talking sitting Republicans, yeah, Romney might be the worst of the vampire squid, unless it's Mitch.
Maybe, but he's a hypocritical POS too.
Well it may be the devil, or it may be the Lord, but you're gonna have to serve somebody.
Which makes it an incredibly low bar. Romney seems more Plutocrat than anyone else.
No, their party is more plute than any Democrat. Susan Collins crushes Pelosi on that bar.
Well I am not planning on voting for him...just saying Collins almost never flips, Murkowski sometimes flips and Romney has little to worry about so he at least pretends. All 3 are frauds I just happen to trust him .00000000001% and the rest of them below that.
Plus, he has awesome hair ;^)