I do precision functions (drawing, writing) lefty and power functions (throwing, chopping) righty. I experimented with switch hitting and picked it up almost immediately but I was a high K power hitter righty and a high average singles hitter lefty. I drive righty, putt lefty, and can't short iron worth a f-ck either way. It may all be exacerbated because I am blind in the right eye.
A neurologist told me precision lefty and power righty (me) is about 1% of the population, and precision righty and power lefty (you) is about 0.1% of the population, and that it has nothing to do with your physicality and everything to do with the way your brain is wired. It also correlates with high incidences of addictive behavior, creativity, genius, mental illness, and suicide.
So we have that going for us. Which is nice.
You have right-sided blindness? Who would have thought.