The Earth is not particularly special – the number of planets in the system is what it is all about
What more than being an Earth-size planet in the habitable zone does it take to harbor life? What is really so special here at our Earth and in our solar system? As planet considered, Earth is not special – there are plenty of Earth like planets out there. But perhaps it could be the number of planets and the nature of them. There are many large gas planets in our solar system, half of all of them. Could it be that the existence of the large gas planets are the cause of our existence here on Earth? A part of that debate entails the question whether the large gas planets, Saturn and Jupiter, “directed” the comets to Earth carrying water when Earth was half a billion years old, enabling the forming of life here.
This is the first time a study has shown how unique it is for a solar system to be home to 8 planets, but at the same time showing that our solar system is not entirely unique. Our solar system follows the same physical rules for forming planets as any other solar system, we just happen to be in the unusual end of the scale. And we are still left with the question of why exactly we are here to be able to wonder about it.