Wicked Slappaahs
I miss Tie Domi
Re: RPI Off-Season Thread 2012 Part III: BYOB: Bring Your Own Bratwurst
Anyone's season tickets land in the mail yet?
Anyone's season tickets land in the mail yet?
Craig Bokenfohr is on the RPI golf team http://www.rpiathletics.com/roster.aspx?path=golf&. That implies that he is not on a athletic scholarship unless he isn't playing this season which seems doubtful, or the rules have changed which seems even less likely.
Edit: He shot 80 and 72 over the weekend http://www.rpiathletics.com/sports/2012/9/9/MGOLF_0909125413.aspx?id=3489.
I can honestly say that I have never seen anybody hit their driver as long as this kid. tb can attest to that. He hit a ball at least 340 yd. during the golf tourney.
Makes you wonder which uniform he will be wearing on 10/06?
Kevin Beauregard played both lacrosse and hockey during his first year at RPI.
Anyone's season tickets land in the mail yet?
Oh yes, they have my money already...Not yet, but my check finally cleared last week!
Oh yes, they have my money already...
I was getting worried - I sent my order form in back in June (before the "early order discount" deadline) and it took until late last week for the check to clear.
What is the statute of limitations on checks, anyway?
Having both Bokenfohr and Commers as walkons (perhaps only for a year as stated), increases my opinion of the excellent job of recruiting that was done.
I know it was over 300 but cannot remember what the exact yardage of the hole was. He was pin high but to the right of the green @ the golf tourney on the 9th hole.
U on vacation again? Odd to see u posting mid morning....not....
A year I think.
What is the statute of limitations on checks, anyway?
Govt checks used to have no statute of limitations. Now its a year i think. Also no statue of limitations. Finally cashed my season ticket check also.Six months on personal checks.