Re: RPI Off-Season Thread 2012 Part II: (Insert Title Here)
And a good 2¢ it is. Fully agree. Albany being more central makes it a better choice not to mention the fact that the weather in LP in March can wreck havoc with travel plans. I love Placid-we live only 45 minutes a way at times-but this tournament needs to draw from 12 schools and Albany just makes more sense.
My thoughts on Lake Placid. This Tournamet should be held in Albany. Lake Placid although a scenic and great place to visit its not a good spot for a championship tournamet it would be like Hockey East holding their championship in Caribou Maine nice place to visit not a place for a Tournamet. Hotels are limited and expensive and there is no easy way to get there. The Olympic facility for lack of a better term is a "Dump" It has not weathered the years of budget cuts very well. I do appreciate the history of the building in a nostalgic way not as a top notch facility. The fact that it is a "Big Sheet" is a minus in my opinion to the best of my knowlege Dartmouth is the only surface of that kind in our league and evereyone plays on it once a year. The ECACHL seems to think Albany is a perfect place to house the league offices but some how not good enough for the tournamet go figure ! as far as I can tell the argument is attendence and its too big. Well to that I say get to work hire a sports marketing company or hire a staffer w/sports marketing experience give the freakin tickets away if thats what you have do to fill the building if it cost money so be it we need to build a fan base for the tournmet. This is a buisness and it cost money to make money long term. College Hockey is in a state flux at this point and only the strong and proactive will survive. The ECACHL needs to stop sitting back and hopeing it comes to them and go out and get it. Lake Placid is a very quaint boutique setting for this tournamet but I do not believe in our long tem interest. In fact if you look at the most recent attempt at making Placid a go the Festivus or what ever they called it seemed to me to be a failure. Im not an engineer but comon sense tells you that failed experiments are not a building block to future success. Just my 2 cents.
And a good 2¢ it is. Fully agree. Albany being more central makes it a better choice not to mention the fact that the weather in LP in March can wreck havoc with travel plans. I love Placid-we live only 45 minutes a way at times-but this tournament needs to draw from 12 schools and Albany just makes more sense.