Doc: I completely agree about pain. Unfortunately, the rampant misuse and frankly, rampant over prescribing of modern pain killers has led to a tidal wave of addiction and the crime that goes along with it. (I blame SOME of this on our namby-pamby society where everyone needs a trophy and people demand meds from their docs for minor injuries they should simply get through with Advil
As for recovery --i'm no MD but have endured mutliple procedures on both of my knees in the last five years.
Isnt the entire revolution modern surgery based on the idea of getting people moving following surgery is the best thing to prevent a variety of complications, including limiting atrophy and the lessening of range of motion? The idea being, the less down time there is, the less chance of uneccesary things happening? Again, I dont pretend to practice medicine, but I 've been thru it on the patient side and I know many who do.... I lived in Vail for awhile and have some clsoe friends who work at the Stedman-Hawkins clinic. (For those who may not know - these guys pioneered many of the now established arthroscopy techniques for reconstructing the knee and other well as the concept of "active" recovery for patients.)
Just my two cents, which in today's economy means it isn't worth the metal they are stamped out of " ! And yes, this post has nothing to do with the thread, but deal with it Ralph ! You're the one posting about MTU goalies....