Re: >>>>> RIT TIGERS 2012-13: Clawing our way up the standings in the 2nd half
Re: >>>>> RIT TIGERS 2012-13: Clawing our way up the standings in the 2nd half
My only real comparison is Cornell. There are 14 sections at Lynah. 1 for visitors, 4 for students and the remaining 9 are for townies. Not all of the sections hold an equal amount but lets assume they are (close enough for this purpose). Lynah holds 4267. So that is about 1200 students/ 305 visitors/ 2745 townies.
If RIT gets ~1000 students into a 2100 capacity facility that is pretty good by comparison. I guess the question is will be how many more students will come to the new facility and will the city people come to fill it out.
Re: >>>>> RIT TIGERS 2012-13: Clawing our way up the standings in the 2nd half
I certainly hope that is the case. What makes me nervous (and has for some time, not just this season) is the seemingly (at least to me) small percentage of students that attend the games. While the percentage of fans at the games that are students is reasonably high, the percentage of the student body that actually attends is kind of small. I don't know what the same ratios are at other schools, but RIT is a fairly large school and only draws maybe (I'm guessing) less than 1,000 students to games. I know at the mega-State schools the ratios are probably comparable. But when your student body is 40,000 to 50,000 strong, you can only build an arena with so many seats. Have any recent initiatives to increase student body attendance been working, or have they scaled those back due to the lack of tickets available to begin with? I don't see a whole lot about the team through the RIT Message Center emails, but that is my only remaining connection to campus now. Just wondering.
My only real comparison is Cornell. There are 14 sections at Lynah. 1 for visitors, 4 for students and the remaining 9 are for townies. Not all of the sections hold an equal amount but lets assume they are (close enough for this purpose). Lynah holds 4267. So that is about 1200 students/ 305 visitors/ 2745 townies.
If RIT gets ~1000 students into a 2100 capacity facility that is pretty good by comparison. I guess the question is will be how many more students will come to the new facility and will the city people come to fill it out.