Re: >>>>> RIT Tigers 2011-2012 <<<<< Dreaming is Done, Time to ROAR
Re: >>>>> RIT Tigers 2011-2012 <<<<< Dreaming is Done, Time to ROAR
I saw the replay right before I saw Cameron's tweet, and I thought to myself someone said a racial slur. It was confusing at the game because I could not see what happen. I thought there was a check shot on Burt because Wayne exploded off the bench toward the RIT door, and you could hear him yelling Jason, Jason (Ellis)!!
The Penalty sequence was odd to watch on the replay which was a straight down camera view. Matt Gordon was knock down by Mitchell, at first I thought I thought Burt who was in tight quarters with Mitchell and Gordon was just swinging his arms to keep his balance, but looking at it a few time it looked like he was trying to cross check Gordon, but seemed like he missed and hit the board twice. Next thing see Cameron turning around very quickly to confront someone like he just heard something inexcusable which appeared to be Nilan Nagy. Burt appeared to swipe at him and then he puts up the defensive two hands like “what did I do”.
Paul Pearl was right there, trying to hold players back so not to lose the coming power play, and the other Holy Cross assistant was right there so if anything like that was said they should have heard it. Pearl did have a few quiet words to saw with Wanye as they shook hands, and there was a bit of an awkward looking tension on both men faces. It makes me wonder what Paul actually heard.
Cameron’s comment on Tweeter did not say racial, but you do suspect that. It had to be something; with all the jawing he does on the ice you would think he had heard it all by now. If something like that was said to him then I give him a little more of a pass. You really hate to see him lose it like that one the ice, but things are not always as they may seem…
As for the quality of the officiating, it’s the same old story, but could even be worst now if they indeed let something like that go. I will give them the benefit of the doubt till/if all the facts come out.
Yes the WITR guys are married to each other, all three of them, which make you feel very sorry for Mrs. Lerch :-D It was funny though to hear Ed and Scott trying to come up with extra material to keep talking about while they waited for Wayne. Oh Randy we could have used you on Saturday Night…