Re: >>>>RIT 2010 Offseason Thread-"You have to be a genius to go to RIT"
Re: >>>>RIT 2010 Offseason Thread-"You have to be a genius to go to RIT"
After growing up on Long Island, when I moved to Rochester, culturally, believe systems, and attitude-wise, Rochester is definitely much more of a Midwest city than an East coast city. No question about that.
And BTW, there is no geographical line drawn on any map anywhere that defines a border for the midwest. It's purely a nebulous, state of mind definition (Erie is definitely a midwest, rust belt type of city).
(Reminds me of how New Yorkers and Long Islanders never consider Brooklyn and Queens as part of Long Island even though it is geographically sitting on the land mass defined as Long Island.)
i grew up in jersey, but i agree with your take on it. and even if you don't consider rochester midwest, it is midwest compared to the bunching of eastern teams that make up for a better "northeast".
Little late to this party, but i'd hope I can offer some good insight. Growing up in North Jersey(Vernon/Parsippany), Attending RIT and living in ROC for 6 years, and now living in the Chicago Suburbs, i feel i am semi educated on this.
I would Lump Rochester and WNY for the most part into the Midwest lifestyle. One conclusion could be that the peoplel who settled in WNY, migrated to the Midwest. granted this may have been generations past, but town names of (Geneva, Batavia, Oswego, Aurora, Newark, Ottawa....and tons more) are all towns in my area of Chicago, and should not be overlooked
The accents: My wife is from Rochester, and when we moved out here, they all thought she was a native of the Chicagoland, while my NNJ accent was evident.....I notice the sound is the same, and my wife noticed the similarities when going back and fourth from NJ, WNY, Chicago, moreso than ever.
The way of life: The Tristate area of NY/NJ/Conn which by many would be considered Eastern (by way of Industry) is much faster paced, as is way of life. Both the ROC and Midwest pace is more laid back. More so in what you'd really call midwest like my Chicago area. But that likely is because WNY, is kind of the bordering of both.
I like The Pop (Soda) reference, and would throw in the Suckers (lolipops) analogy also.
My wife lived in NJ with me for just over two years before moving to Chicago, and I know for a fact she notices the difference between NJ, and the ROC/Midwest. Many New Yorkers don't even Consider Rochester of WNY as New York, sorry, but it's true. She is ****ed when she hears this from NYC people, and it's has been on many occasions.
Conversely, If you say you are from NY, but don't specify Rochester, Midwesterners assume you are from the NYC area. And even after you say Rochester, they still don't see the difference. Mainly because many of the Midwesterners associate All of NY state as NYC, and probably dont realize NY is so big.
is there a line? No, because depending on where you are, you see it differently. From my life experience in all three areas, i would consider Rochester to be more of a Midwestern type of Town....Same goes with Syracuse and most things west of that....
Hope i don't offend anyone here with this....