Um, ew? Or maybe not. I guess it depends on if you are Hammer or not.
What a day. The Pres/CEO/Chairman arrived a little after 9am. He must have briefed as to who was going to meet him because when I met the car, he said "Hi Cindy." I walked him around the place, brought him to the ballroom and sat with him for about a half hour. Then brought him back to the ready room for the speakers. Left him there to make sure his luncheon was being set up. Went back to the ballroom to escort him to the luncheon room. Then I escorted him out to his car and sent him on his way. It's kind of a rush hanging with the Big Guy. I should put that on my performance evaluation.
My new Blackberry wasn't working this morning. That didn't help matters. During a quick break, I called our Help(less) Desk and it turns out that all I needed to do was pop out the battery and pop it back in. Does the Blackberry need to be on or off when charging the battery? I charged it overnight so I'm wondering if something happened during that time to cause it to not work.