there's a good buck in that racket.
Re: Rep Retirement Lodge #182: Snow!
s'upp y'all
s'upp y'all
You ALMOST have the right word.I keed, I keed.
So, realized that Easter Sunday is the same day as the hockey regionals in St Paul. While there may seem to be a decision to make, there really isn't, as I don't really care for spending what is basically courtesy time at my bro's in-laws for holidays in the first place. I just happen to have a really good excuse, finally.
Folding lawn chair and a TV tray?Morning.
19 days left of having no furniture or spouse in the house. :/
Today is National Banana Bread Day. Where is that singles thread again?
So every day of the year is national something day now eh?
It's been that way for a long, long time now, Mavsy. There are articles out there on the subject of declaring "National Brand X Day," and it doesn't really take much at all. There are dates chosen by an industry and then there are those days dedicated by government decree (those are tougher to get). Very few have significance to the actual date of the chosen celebration day, though National Donut Day does have historical WWI ties to its date.
National Doughnut Day started in 1938[1] as a fund raiser for Chicago's The Salvation Army. Their goal was to help the needy during the Great Depression, and to honor The Salvation Army "Lassies" of World War I, who served doughnuts to soldiers.
Soon after the US entrance into World War I in 1917, The Salvation Army sent a fact-finding mission to France. The mission concluded that the needs of US enlisted men could be met by canteens/social centers termed "huts" that could serve baked goods, provide writing supplies and stamps, and provide a clothes-mending service. Typically, six staff members per hut would include four female volunteers who could "mother" the boys. These huts were established by The Salvation Army in the United States near army training centers.
About 250 Salvation Army volunteers went to France. Because of the difficulties of providing freshly baked goods from huts established in abandoned buildings near to the front lines, the two Salvation Army volunteers (Ensign Margaret Sheldon and Adjutant Helen Purviance) came up with the idea of providing doughnuts. These are reported to have been an "instant hit", and "soon many soldiers were visiting The Salvation Army huts". Margaret Sheldon wrote of one busy day: "Today I made 22 pies, 300 doughnuts, 700 cups of coffee."
Soon, the women who did this work became known by the servicemen as "Doughnut Dollies".
Usually the only clue we have is if the company "wishes them well in future endeavors" during the morning meeting. If they don't, then the person was fired/up and quit with no notice.We had a woman in our department abruptly leave over the weekend. We're only ever told that the person is no longer with the company, never the reason. Usually that means the person was fired, sometimes the person quit unexpectedly. In this case, I'm thinking Capt. Sixhead was fired.
Usually the only clue we have is if the company "wishes them well in future endeavors" during the morning meeting. If they don't, then the person was fired/up and quit with no notice.
This is the exact nomenclature WWE uses when they let someone go. Down to the point it's been mentioned on TV and has appeared on merch.
Usually the only clue we have is if the company "wishes them well in future endeavors" .......
At my ex-employer, we got that exact same email wordsmithing, regardless of firing or layoff or resignation.
So every day of the year is national something day now eh?