The Highland Games start on Friday and go through late Sunday afternoon up at Loon Mountain. I'd like to go Friday for the Sheepdog competition, but I have a mandatory critical care class, so we'll be headed up on Saturday for the day. I will FB you my phone number if you would like to meet up if you make it up there. I will let tcbg know that your family lands abut his. I think he may start getting into geneology research on that side as the Italian side is murky - his last name is ridiculously common (it is an Italian word that was given to thousands through the years based on their rank and they proliferated) and his grandparents actually had the same last name but two totally different families (though I make fun of him for having a wreath instead of a tree - good thing we're not having kids!! It's really big in Worcester - the priest that presided over the funeral we went to last year has the same name but is a redheaded Italian from yet another family).
I will read through the articles! I ended up coming home and napping from 8:30 -11am and feel much better. I'm struggling a little with my daily medication as it is timed ( 30-60 minutes before the first meal of the day). Since I only work a few days a week, my NP recommended taking it at 0900 every day regardless of work or not. I'm unsure about taking her advice as I have not been impressed with her handling of treatment of this DX which was made last year. The overnights actually allows for 8 hours of sleep (9 if I really stretched), which is uninterrupted. We bought blackout curtains and tcbg bought me an eyemask, plus the fan, and I haven't had trouble yet. I'm hopeful.