Lady wore Black
pawn in game of life
Re: Rep Retirement Lodge #176 -- it's Mookie's world, we are just living in it
Good Morning, Lodge!
Good Morning, Lodge!
Same here. My favorite is SODAS (S24 Official Document Acknowledgement System). In fact, I worked with the guy who came up with it.
In federal acquisition/materials management they have a FAP document. I couldn't keep a straight face for the rest of the day the first time I saw it.
Happy Birthday state of hockey!!
Good morning Lodge! Lovely day here today. Comcast guys just left. I've been having issues setting my DVR to record shows. After a couple of calls and downloaded system updates, I finally had techs come in. They both said they've seen the error message I've been getting (on both boxes) but not when I was getting it. So, they figured it was a hardware issue that would be resolved when they swapped out the boxes for new ones. They swapped out both boxes and I've lost the remaining shows I had left (I can watch them on On Demand), they set them up - wait wait wait - and then they're all set so let's try to set a recording and yup. Same issue. Huh. Now what? There is a way I can record, but not thru the search like I like to do it. They've captured the issue and will be bringing it to IT's attention, etc. so hopefully this bug can get fixed at some point. I just thought it was great that two technicians were here and neither one of them could fix the problem. Ha!
Is this new to them?
Does that mean nobody else in the Comcast
Customer base tries to record shows to watch?
It's Comcast. The best way to win the war on drugs is to legalize them, but require you get them from Comcast customer service.
Not looking forward to the office tomorrow. I'm just burnt out from that place. Just tired of it all.
Applied for a job yesterday. Have a couple more I'm thinking about applying for. We'll see what happens. I'm 0-2 on getting the response I've wanted on my last two applications.
Have you considered going on your own? My wife is non-degreed and been doing accounting/bookkeeping since she was 16. I finally convinced her to go on her own about 6 years ago and she's been much happier. She can fire clients if she feels the need.
If she had PMS she wouldn't bother with sunny. She would throw a tornado or too in there but no sun. Definitely not.Mother Nature has PMS here. Raining, sunny, thunder, partly cloudy, windy, sunny, lightning....MAKE UP YOUR MIND.