Cheer up, the worst is yet to come
How old/what grade is he in now? Would Connect Four be something he'd like? It's using checker pieces to place into slots, an expanded tic-tac-toe game, essentially. I was going to mention Monopoly, but I'm not sure they make an edition using large pieces. Would Sorry! work for him? A lot of the board games I liked either had small pieces or were for what I expect to be an older age than what little g is. (Risk or Stratego, for instance). Is teaching him chess an option? I don't know his limitations, if the board would be too much or if it's grasping the pieces or just a simple lack of interest in it. I grew up with a huge chess board with commensurately large chess pieces. I always liked it, but I think my youngest brother ended up with it when my dad died.
Little g is seven. He has connect four and it's not much of an issue for him. Sorry! Should be ok as well. Chess...........I have never taken even one second to learn it. Maybe now is the time.
Have any of you played or know about the game called Ticket to Ride?
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