Blood Boiling with Rage and Hate
Re: Rep Retirement Lodge #167: Weather
1.) Stop thinking. This is emotional and no amount of logic is going to help ease the pain or make everything make sense.
2.) Stop listening. She may just be saying what she thinks you want to hear or what she needs to say to make this easier for her.
3.) Stop rushing. Getting back to "ok" takes time. After a while you'll start to feel better for a day or two, then something will take you back and the emotional pain will be back. Each cycle the "ok" time will get longer. You're grieving for a death of a relationship, and nothing short of the actual death of an immediate family member will tare you apart emotionally more than the undesired end to a serious intimate relationship.
I agree. It's just painful. It also confuses me and gives me (false) hope as she's told me numerous times she still loves me and still sees herself being with me forever.
I'm strong throughout most of the day. Then I seem to get weak at night. Weaker than I ever could've imagined. I hate myself for it too, because I've always been a strong person.
I also don't like posting this stuff here because I know it's annoying, but it helps. It gives me an outlet and support from people who have various experiences I'm relationships. I hope you all forgive me and I thank you all for the support!
1.) Stop thinking. This is emotional and no amount of logic is going to help ease the pain or make everything make sense.
2.) Stop listening. She may just be saying what she thinks you want to hear or what she needs to say to make this easier for her.
3.) Stop rushing. Getting back to "ok" takes time. After a while you'll start to feel better for a day or two, then something will take you back and the emotional pain will be back. Each cycle the "ok" time will get longer. You're grieving for a death of a relationship, and nothing short of the actual death of an immediate family member will tare you apart emotionally more than the undesired end to a serious intimate relationship.