Jersey and points just south and north seemed to take the brunt of it. NYC as well. Haven't heard much about what happened on Long Island.
Fortunately, inland CT dodged the bullet. Lots of tree damage but very little flooding because we really didn't get much rain (less than 3"). The immediate shoreline suffered some serious coastal flooding... but it's actually amusing to listen to shoreline residents act like this shouldn't have happened. What part of living ON the water don't you understand?
A couple of deaths being reported. A fireman was killed when a tree fell on a firetruck while they were rescuing occupants of a car that had a tree fall on it. An elderly woman was hit by a falling tree with live wires entangled in it as she was trying to get to her neighbors after her house was hit by a tree. There's a missing kayaker (go figure) and an uncomfirmed report of some genius who decided to go swimming at 8:00 last night and never made is back to shore.
While I know others are suffering from this, I'm thankful most people I know made it through basically unscathed. One woman I work with had a large branch crash through her windshield but other than that no one here had any horror stories this morning, and surprisingly almost everyone made it in.