I'm still in Nashville. Flight was delayed, in fact its still sitting at the gate 2 hours later. Lucky for me I had a tight connection so US Airways put me on a direct Delta flight leaving at 10:30. So I had to sit at the airport for a couple extra hours, but I avoided flying through Philadelphia (holy crap, my phone is too smart. It recommended "Philadelphia" after I typed "through" before I even started typing the word), so I get to avoid extra time crammed on a plane and I get miles now.
Edit: I'm guessing my US Airways issues are the same as HP1015's. The lady at the podium said their entire computer system was down. Flights delayed and cancelled...
Yep, Republic Airways, a USeless Air subsidiary had their computer system go down and couldn't get any paperwork, so they couldn't fly. So I'm now on the boat without my bags until they get delivered to the office and brought to me. Had to stop at walmart and get some clothing and toiletries to get me through these next couple days hopefully.
Heading towards Houstown to get our old barges back and then get on our old run up to Decatur, Alabama!