state of hockey
He fixes the cable?
I never shave clean. I get tons of nasty ingrown hairs on my face when I do shave clean, and I was never able to find a way to get rid of them. I haven't been clean shaven in 8 or 9 years.
I never shave clean. I get tons of nasty ingrown hairs on my face when I do shave clean, and I was never able to find a way to get rid of them. I haven't been clean shaven in 8 or 9 years.
My "beard" is pathetic.
Good Afternoon, Lodge!
Today went well.
As is mine. I grow the Sidney Crosby special.
The s&ss has gotten quite the workout the past few days...........
Windows 8 is not my favorite version of Windows. I'd much rather be back on Windows 7.
I have no qualms with7, but 8 just outright sucks. 8.1 better be one hell of a fix.If I could, I'd go all the way back to XP.
If I could, I'd go all the way back to XP.
Lots of Drunken yahoo pleasure boaters thinking you should move out of their way??I hope driving the boat doesn't force me to go off the deep end in the next 13 days! Parise, today (this afternoon, specifically) may have been my most stressful day out here.