They have to make sure someone can cover the site. Which some days, I get. Most of the time, though, the secretaries could probably handle it. I do mail - sorting, delivering, and posting - and hit a little green button on the copy machine. It's not rocket surgery, but somehow, the floaters find ways to **** it up.
My most recent example of not being able to take time off - it would be very helpful to me if I could take the next few Mondays or Fridays off (I'd prefer Mondays). I've got a lot of packing and cleaning and moving of things to storage to do and the extra day would be great. But, because one of the 10 or so floaters is on FMLA, it apparently leaves them short, so I don't get to have the days. Of course, they'd have to find someone to cover if I called in sick, but I can't really do that now, can I?
I can't wait until HN is settled in Ohio and all this crap is done so I can figure out a way to quit and go down there.