Re: Rep Retirement Lodge #110: Offseason Is Here, So Deal With It.
Good morning tLodge!
Apparently our black lab is insane, or maybe just really confused. She does not like loud noises (thunder, gun shots, cars backfiring) including when Rob starts up the tractor. So when these things happen, she usually tries to get somewhere safe, like wrapped around Rob's head. (yeah, usually this happens with t-storms at night when we are in bed). The insane part is that when Rob started the garden tractor last night to test his engine repair, instead of running away, far away, she jumped on the floorboards of the running tractor and hid between Rob's feet and the seat.
Good Morning Lodge!
Tons of things to get done this weekend, and most of them have to get done as I'm flying to Portland, Monday and will finally get to meet my 4 month old grandson in Kelso, WA.
Woo hoo! Have fun!!
I get a bookcase today... still frustrated... slowly coming to the realization that I'm going to end up like Nanookfan... and instead of just "accepting it" I want to punch a wall because that's a bum deal for myself and the world in general. I can be a great guy... I just don't jive with the world in the right way.
Dude, first, you aren't like Nanookfan, you have a job/career, and you're not living at home with the 'rents. (and, you've never made Banana bread.

As far as female companionship, concentrate on just making friends with people of both sexes. There are people in this world that you 'jive' with they are just more difficult for you to find than for others. And for the record, it is pretty well known that a bar or club scene is one of the worst ways to find someone you like.
Ok, now that I think about it there is ONE exception to that rule. This one I know from experience. If you can find a small neighborhood place that serves food that you can go to regularly, that may be a source to meet people. But it needs to be the sort of place that has a good group of regular customers and it will take some doing to find a place like that. And the rules of a place like that is you are there to hang out and be social, NOT pick up anyone.
I know I've said this before, but get involved in activities that you enjoy with the idea that you are doing them to have fun. The rest will fall into place. For example, I think you mentioned last weekend that you played Ultimate Frisbee. Focus on stuff like that with the purpose of having fun.
Sorry for the really long post, I just don't like to see anyone giving up. This stuff takes time. Heck, my own husband didn't find anyone to settle down with and marry until he was 45. But when he did, he was comfortable in who he was and what he wanted that he knew he was making the right choice.