Went to the doctor today. Got my weight limit increased to 20 pounds that I can occasionally lift and carry, but no more. She also encouraged me to go to Alpha One and attempt to pass their test for my driver's license. Legally, it was never taken away (somehow) but if I were to in an accident behind the wheel, the other person could complain that I had head surgery and tried to hide it. I stopped driving voluntarily because of the headaches and dizzy spells. I could probably drive again, but if a spell hits when I'm sitting here no one gets hurt - if I'm behind the wheel of a car...
She agreed that it was laughable that because I hadn't sought treatment for my headaches they had just gone away, as the genius at the SSA wrote. I have accepted that headaches are a way of life now - I'm not going to go running to the doctor or the ER whenever I get a headache. I'd have to move in

I still have a brain tumor, so of course I'm going to have headaches and dizzy spells. I take Ibuprofen and frequent naps to deal with them. If they become severe enough (like they did before the surgery) then I'll go to the ER.
She said I was disabled now, and couldn't see how I could work, but I'm young enough that with rehab (and if the tumor doesn't come back) I might be able to regain some of my previous skills.
So I can tell the SSA to stuff it.