Offensively we were a little sluggish but, boy, that defense, especially in the 2nd, was stifling
Having been on the other side more often than I care to acknowledge, I can sympathize with you. It's unusual for the road team to get the better treatment in an OoC game. On the other hand, we were much more disciplined as a team... very little retaliation which helped our cause a great deal.
While not their best effort, they did what needed to be done and got a very strong outing from Hartzell. I think Connor Jones missed the ice while he injured... he's been a man on a mission over the last 3 games. Overall a good solid effort on the road.
Our radio guys pointed out an interesting fact during the post game. PC dressed 9 freshmen while we put out 9 seniors. I'd say experience won out tonight but the future looks good for the Friars.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. After the turkey is gone, it's back to hockey in Amherst against the Minutemen of UMass.