If you watch the
replay (2:11:33 - 2:11:45) it looks like the right call. As Fallen was
slowly skating up ice (he was moving down the center of the ice, not towards the bench), the puck came back into Yale's end and was being played by Miller. Langlois circled around to pursue him and Fallen was between them (and within a stick length of the puck). Langer appeared to pull up but still made incidental contact and Fallen whacked him pretty good in the mid section with his stick. I saw nothing intentional, dirty, or nasty on Langers part, other than he made contact with a kid supposedly injured.
Now, the initial hit on Fallen behind the net looked questionable but the ref was right there and didn't call it. Looked to me like Fallen was trying to sell it and then got his panties bunched up when no call was made. It even looks like he might be saying something to Langlois as he's smacking his stick on the ice.
I realize my blue and gold colored glasses may obscure a thing or two, but that whole sequence was indicative of Yale's play in the last half of the game. They tried to get physical but got chippy instead and it cost them. They came close to losing all composure later in the 3rd as well.