Last year's top 5 returning scorers for BC had 29, 26, 24, 21 & 20 points respectively the previous season; while this upcoming season their top 5 returning scorers had 45, 40, 39, 36 & 28 points respectively the previous season. Regardless of who they lost or what JDUBBS thinks, facts are facts and this points to an even higher scoring group of forwards than last season right out of the gate. As for the D, sure they lose some key guys (Domoulin and Cross), but they've won it all skating 4 Freshmen D and made the final a couple other times skating 3 Freshmen D, so not a big deal, especially with the talent they have coming in at that position. And in goal, I think it's wishful thinking to suggest that Milner is going to regress. He's one of the best goalies in the game, period! Just like every other year, BC will be shooting for a National Championship and anything less will be considered a big disappointment.