adsfdkaslfasdf this looks amazing:
I think they're building a garage somewhere, but don't quote me.
I would never!
This does not surprise me. I am sure it was a topic of conversation when Nate was interviewing for the job. He is following the same M.O. as he did at Union (and if you wanna talk about an awful hockey barn, take in a game at Union.) He knows what it will take to compete for recruits in HE. Nate convinced the Union Admin to shine the place up as best as possible (no small feat in a building that mirrors at DOT salt bunker), and grew the on-campus and off campus support by leaps and bounds. (I write this as an RPI fan, not a Union homer). You all are lucky to have the guy - he is legit.Wow is right. They have been talking about improvements for a long, long time. There is a wonderful historical exhibit out of sight. Bring it back out. Improve the facilities and fan experience. A new sound system? Whoa!
When the shovel breaks ground I will send a check. Heck, I might even think about buying season tickets again and making the 125 mile drive to catch a few games. I hope the commitment to the program is real.
So the rink will be where it is now and the soccer field will be where the current lot/softball field is? Does that mean the softball field will be moved where the soccer field now is?
This does not surprise me. I am sure it was a topic of conversation when Nate was interviewing for the job. He is following the same M.O. as he did at Union (and if you wanna talk about an awful hockey barn, take in a game at Union.) He knows what it will take to compete for recruits in HE. Nate convinced the Union Admin to shine the place up as best as possible (no small feat in a building that mirrors at DOT salt bunker), and grew the on-campus and off campus support by leaps and bounds. (I write this as an RPI fan, not a Union homer). You all are lucky to have the guy - he is legit.
The youtube video has been taken down. Is there anyway to see the video elsewhere or can it be reposted? Thanks in advance!
I do believe we will be buying tickets to the Garden at the very least and I love the idea !!!!!
Where did you find my glasses?
It really is fun to be optimistic heading into the season. I only wish this had happened before I moved away from Rhode Island.
Fred get a hotel in Philly for the big dance in 2014 we will be there !!!!! Now that is using those glasses to their full value