Re: Part II of the XXIst Winter Olympiad....and NBC still sucks.
It's just like skating and hockey - the competitors mostly come from wealthy areas with the necessary practice venues and coaching staffs to make it happen. In the US, kids are mostly into <s>knuckledragging</s> snowboarding now.
Nostalgic note: My dad used to do a 25k classic-style XC race every winter for most of the 90s. One year (91 or 92, I think) it was brutally cold, but he bundled up and decided to race anyway. He showed up at the finish line a little over two hours later with icicles hanging from his beard and that was probably the last time I heard him complain about how cold it was.
It seems like there should be some areas where this intersection occurs in the US. Places like Michigan-Wisconsin-Minnesota and even North Dakota and Montana seem like good candidates. Maybe the cross-country skiing side of it isn't there. Actually, my guess is that the group of people in the upper midwest that owns guns is the same group that has snowmobiles, ice shacks and ATV's, not cross country skis. While the group in the upper midwest that cross-country skis isn't very high on gun ownership.
It's just like skating and hockey - the competitors mostly come from wealthy areas with the necessary practice venues and coaching staffs to make it happen. In the US, kids are mostly into <s>knuckledragging</s> snowboarding now.
Nostalgic note: My dad used to do a 25k classic-style XC race every winter for most of the 90s. One year (91 or 92, I think) it was brutally cold, but he bundled up and decided to race anyway. He showed up at the finish line a little over two hours later with icicles hanging from his beard and that was probably the last time I heard him complain about how cold it was.