about you get off your high horse.
First, I would was assuming it was WTOP's cameras that are directed at the fans, if those specific ones are not, then I apologize but don't lash out at me because of my comment. I worked with WTOP as a student, and thus I am not in a position to outright lash at WTOP. I was making a comment based on the "video" and that video I thought was brought to us by WTOP.
Secondly, I have been to every home game at the campus center since it opened in 2006 through to when I graduated in December 2007. I have made numerous observations of the video board during the kiss cam. We used to make jokes about it, drawing a fake "couple" on the whiteboard...of which had been put on. However nearly every "couple" put on was male/female of which they were placed on a kiss cam for the reason of just that. I have seen many female/female "couples" put on the kiss cam to the pleasure of the crowd, an whomever is operating the camera then. The "opposing players" are put on the kiss cam as a means of making fun of them...there is no other reason they would do that, and you can not sit here and justify any positive from that. I have seen a total of male/male FANS once on the video board and that was a jump in of someone sitting behind a male/female "couple."
Errr...I'm not arguing here and I'm not talking trash so please don't make judments on me just because I might just have made a comment that may have "irked" you and many others - male/male.