Re: Oswego vs Plattsburgh "The Whiteout game"
And your statements usually express an inability to act your age and accept that there are viewpoints other than your own out there.
There - now we've called each other names. Has anything been accomplished? Other than you avoiding realistically addressing an opposing viewpoint?
I'll make one last attempt to have an intelligent conversation here:
You'd be surprised to learn that I don't have problems with much that goes on in a student section. I went to college and was part of it all. However, and maybe you'll learn this over the next 10 years if you get married and have a family, there is another viewpoint and another group of stakeholders in your precious [insert name of favorite team here]. How much do students pay for tickets to Oswego hockey games? How much do families and other non-students pay for tickets to the hockey games? Both groups are extremely important to the college and the sports amtosphere, but which one is the administration that pays for the cross country team (and every other team that doesn't bring revenue into the department) concerned with losing?
Fair enough.
I paid over $60,000 to Oswego in my four years there and I'm now working at a job in my field for $11.50 an hour. I think that earned me the right to be able to have a little fun at hockey games. Honestly, I rarely swear at hockey games. The only swearing I really ever did was in the see ya chant and the occasional arsehole chant.
I'm not one that needs to throw out every curse word in the book to be able to make my point.
I'm more concerned about the crack down of noisemakers, flags, no standing, etc that has happened in the Campus Center. I guess I've gotten a little bit off topic from that original stand point.
I think the people that come to hockey games and just say F U to every player on the other team and don't even know what is happening in the game are an embarrasment and certainly don't support that.
My biggest problem with Oswego was the change over that they tried to put in place once the team moved from the Campus Center to Romney. Why should the big wigs that actually come to games now at the cozy CC be able to dictate and tell true fans that braved the cold in Romney they can't have some innocent fun?
Edit: as Nate said...I also paid an athletic fee and I believe that was $100-$150?
If that's what it was...that pays for my season tickets to a Laker game just every other season ticket holder out there.
Double Edit: My dad actually punished me when I was 12ish and didn't let me go to a game against Manhattanville because I heard someone swear at the Domes and repeated it after them. So it's not lost on me Steve. I can see the other side. I think that people that come to college hockey games where half of the crowd is students need to realize that the possibility of something like that happening is high.