Re: Osama bin Laden Declared Dead
We just have to avoid the getting the rest of the world to think our pattern is going out and killing whoever we think is a threat to run an organization that is committed against us...OBL was clearly a criminal and deserving of his fate...what if AQ change the brand name? are we going to kill the guy who is in charge of the next radical outfit proclaiming we are the great devil? Not saying I'm against that necessarily, we just need to make sure we know what we are willing to do and keep the pressure on.
If you're out of luck or out of work
We could send you to Johannesburg
I should clarify my position. The way Obama is conducting the war using Afghanistan as a staging ground for special-ops and/or Predator attacks either in afghanistan or pakistan targeting AQ and Taliban is exactly the way I thought the war would be conducted from the outset (small, targeted, co-vert, using CIA assets, secretive, not the big 120,000 man push like this is WWII, that doesn't work here). since AQ doesn't represent countries and they don't have standing armies per se, they're spread out all over the place so this type of limited targeting seems to be the best idea.
I'm not particularly concerned with how other nations perceive our killing of OBL, Kashmiri or... Mullah Omar and/or Zawahri (if or when that happens). they're mass murderers, and not just of americans. I don't think India or Spain for example would give a **** if we continued to blow AQ leaders to dust for 100 years.
that's part of the problem for people like us though. where and when does this end? either the middle eastern countries of pakistan, yemen, syria, iran, saudi arabia get serious about capturing or killing these guys on their own or this really *could* last 50 years or more.
If they change the name of AQ to the "united front against exxon" it won't change their goal which is mass murder or "infidels" or basically non-islamists. too that end they're not giving us a choice. they either go through and bomb india, germany, u.s. to get a reaction or we keep them on the run (with CIA, Special-Ops, hellfires) and too busy to get to the execution phase of their murderous plots.
it's a sad reality but one which they brought to us. I only hope it really doesn't last 50-100 years but it seems like they're willing to continue ad-infinitum