You latched onto the new guard, I latched onto the yellow Pennziol car.
No Brewer game is really huge, it gives an opportunity for more folks to came and watch the race who are just sports fans in general. Just please don't over-price the tickets. I'd make them very affordable this year as a way to get folks in the gate, then maybe bump them up a bit as the years go on. The Mile seats how many?
If the race is @ 2:00, I've got to leave Juneau by noon at the latest, so If I leave from up nort der hey around 6:00, I'll have time to unpack a bit and get the fish in the freezer.
A bit of controversy last week with Jay Penske and Ed Carpenter getting into the "winner's circle" program, which gets's them money from the cummunal pot over the likes of Rahal and Herta's operations. Rahal said he didn't know what the criteria were to qualify for that, and that the reasons were never disclosed as to why/why not certain teams got the $. This certainly isn't how I would expect this program to be run by RB and I think it further's Matt's point that RB is doing a somewhat lousy job, but the fact that TG was a Bleep is his only saving grace.