Re: Ohio State Buckeyes 2012-2013 Thread
I shouldn't admit this as I'm also a Gopher fan.
Cali (and others) take note. Connections like this are not uncommon. But would they exist if OSU belonged to the CHA? Perhaps, but they'd be less frequent. My point is that league choice has recruiting consequences.
At least at this point of hockey history, Buckeye Hockey needs to recruit beyond Ohio. Sure it's great when a Mulvaney or a Stojack comes along. But to be competitive, OSU needs to recruit the Women's Hockey hotbeds, including the Upper Midwest. That's a much easier sell as a WCHA member. Among other reasons, some of the Buckeyes come from Minnesota-based families who attend most of the WCHA road games, yet make it to Columbus only occasionally. If we were to switch to the CHA, that source of recruits would largely dry up.
Oh, I should mention April Stojack's last team before she landed at OSU: Shattuck-St. Mary's. Although an Ohio native, the WCHA connection may have meant something to her as well.
Further, there isn't really a recruiting downside to WCHA membership. Ontario is another important recruiting ground for us. Yet those players will be attracted by the chance to play in the top league, and the home games in Columbus are accessible from much of Ontario. Granted, the CHA wouldn't be a bad situation at all for the Ontario kids. But overall, recruiting is yet another reason why OSU should stay in the WCHA.