Re: Official Video Games Thread V: Collector's Edition
Since the new splinter cell is coming out I went through and finished off Chaos Theory and Double Agent. I started playing Pandora Tomorrow but I had a glitch that stopped me from passing a level and I said **** it since I had played it way back when it first came out.
Chaos Theory was most excellent and probably my favorite but the AI with it's insta lock on and shoot you bull**** was frustrating. If my character can't be in a sprint and raise his weapon to turn and fire at someone like a FPS, then the AI shouldn't be able to do it. Especially when they can pick you instantly out in a pitch black room to head shot you.
Also, save points. This game needed save points after every major objective at the least. The player shouldn't have to stop gameplay everytime they move through an area to save the game, or else they'll be sucked back to the LAST mission because they didn't manually save when a new mission starts. I had that happen in the bathhouse mission. I got through the meeting and died in the following firefight and when I hit continue I was sucked back to my last save point on the middle of the last mission. Of course I could load the next mission again, but a working save system is pretty **** simple.
Double Agent was different but fun. The change in engine came with a few quirks. It was also obviously just a direct port to the PC and it was frustrating to hit the 'continue' button and have it say I didn't have any memory device available.
There were only three points in the game that changed the out come in anyway. Which made keeping trust with both organizations mostly a waste of time. A lot of the objectives also required you to know exactly what to do in order to do them. Such as nearly everything you do in the JBA office. It's one thing to require you to figure out a way to do something, but some of the stuff you're asked to do requires a decoder ring, a map, and maybe a couple sherpa guides to figure out the series of steps you have to go through to do some trivial objective like get someones voice id that you don't even need.
I suppose there was supposed to be some romantic angle between you and Enrica but it's so underdeveloped that the couple cutscenes you can get between them feel out of place.
Of course I'm not really looking forward to the new game that much. The SP gameplay is only supposed to be a few hours long, and the longer coop mission requires that you play with someone else. I can imagine no quicker way to end a friendship than to play a stealth based game with so many options to screw up the entire mission.