Re: Obama XXIII: The Muslin Anti-Christ Wages War on the forces of Christianity!
Let's start with your conflation of two sets of oppositional concepts, liberal:conservative and radical:conservative
wrong starting point.
yes, the "how" is Radical <--> Conservative (or as you put it, the "means").
but the "who" (or as you put it, the "ends") is Liberal <--> Progressive.
or to bring more clarity,
Individual liberty <--> government authority
Free markets <--> centralized control
"Each person is endowed by the Creator with inalienable rights" <--> "The needs of the many outweigh the prerogatives of the few"
The liberal tradition is rich and textured, from
Magna Carta through Locke and Jefferson to Martin Luther King Jr. and Daniel Patrick Moynihan.
The progressive tradition is generally tracked from Upton Sinclair's 1905 book
The Jungle, Theodore Roosevelt, and Woodrow Wilson, though its philosophical justification can be traced all the way back to Plato and his "philosopher king."
In other words, there are centuries of lineage here for all of these four themes.
Perhaps my vocabulary is a bit stilted and formal (maybe even archaic?) which I'm told happens when one reads (and writes) in a language more frequently than one speaks in it. I am not as glib as many here and perhaps that contributes to my difficulties in expressing my thoughts in English.
PS an afterthought....each of the four traditions has something valuable if not essential to offer. Everyone can benefit from the conservative's insistence on personal integrity and reminders about human fallibility (if all people are fallible then all governments also can be fallible as they are run by people); just as everyone can benefit from the radical's insistence that we be suspicious of tradition for tradition's sake. The radical abolitionist, the radical suffragette, played essential roles in our historical advancement. The liberal's insistence on human dignity was essential to civil rights; the progressive's insistence on public health and sanitation led to dramatic improvements in human welfare. No one of the four is always right or always wrong; it seems to me a grave error in thinking to identify so strongly with only one of the four that one disregards what the other three have to offer. *
PPS it seems to me that you want to identify these four modes of political operation (which to me appear over and over again throughout history) with specific contemporary political parties. It seems to me that political parties shift allegiances based on the perceived likelihood of winning elections; which is a very different calculus entirely.
* unless one is a career politician!