Re: Obama XXII: Occupy the White House
But what do you say when legislation is not done by the legislature, but by the courts?
The US Constitution has been amended a number of times, generally to correct a defect or omission in the original document. I do not agree when an amendment is made at the Federal Level for social engineering purposes (ie 18 yr old vote, Prohibition, ERA, anti-abortion). Those items should be left to individual legislation, or better yet, to the States.
When you get to the State level, then if the State Constitution allows for amendment by ballot, then that is what the writers wanted. If you don't like it, amend the State Constitution. However, sometimes the ballot is the only way the wishes of the citizenry can be heard over a run amok or deaf legislature or judiciary. Therefore it is a good idea, when used in matters of grave importance. I would think the the definition of marriage is a good one to vote on. I am thinking that we're going to have a similar vote here in Maryland after the lap-dog legislature does what our ambitious governor wants them to do.
You could look at #2 as being pro traditional marriage.Actually the GOP is doing things a little different than that. Here in Minnesota they passed a voter ID law that was vetoed by the Governor. So, they're now attempting to pass a Constitutional Amendment and get that on the ballot.
They also already have a Anti-Gay Marriage Constitutional Amendment on the Minnesota ballot this fall.
Legislation done by ballot majority is a horrible way to govern and is NOT what the founding fathers believed in or wanted. Yet, here's the party of the Founding Fathers legislating by Constitutional Amendment.
But what do you say when legislation is not done by the legislature, but by the courts?
The US Constitution has been amended a number of times, generally to correct a defect or omission in the original document. I do not agree when an amendment is made at the Federal Level for social engineering purposes (ie 18 yr old vote, Prohibition, ERA, anti-abortion). Those items should be left to individual legislation, or better yet, to the States.
When you get to the State level, then if the State Constitution allows for amendment by ballot, then that is what the writers wanted. If you don't like it, amend the State Constitution. However, sometimes the ballot is the only way the wishes of the citizenry can be heard over a run amok or deaf legislature or judiciary. Therefore it is a good idea, when used in matters of grave importance. I would think the the definition of marriage is a good one to vote on. I am thinking that we're going to have a similar vote here in Maryland after the lap-dog legislature does what our ambitious governor wants them to do.