Re: Obama XXII: Occupy the White House
Congratulations to the mayor and police chief of Oakland for doing their jobs. If the punks didn't want to be treated like lawbreakers they should have stopped breaking the law. Their pathetic First Amendment rights to "protest" do not transcend the rights of everyone else (especially local taxpayers) to enjoy life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness in Oakland. But like their ideological predecessors from the 60's and 70's, these losers figure they're patched in to some higher moral reality. They think their puerile "protests" give them carte blanche to do whatever they want, whenever they want, wherever they want without consequence. Well, here's a flash: the rest of us have rights, too. And when the inevitable conflict with authorities comes, they want to whine and portray themselves as "victims." Even though the conflict with the cops is exactly what they want. A few cracked skulls always makes for good TV. And there are plenty of credulous people out there willing to buy in to their mythology. It's all carefully choreographed agit-prop, with the "useful idiots" doing their thing. They want it both ways: they're brave revolutionaries standing up to the forces of evil, but "I've got rights, I want a lawyer, the cops messed up my hair, etc." Screw 'em. Give 'em the gas. Arrest 'em. One hopes mayors in other cities with chunks of territory being held hostage by these bums will wake up and smell the coffee, too. As I say, if you're playing revolutionary, you've got to expect somebody's gonna take you seriously sooner or later.
This picture is from Oakland.
Iraq War veteran @jtowersSF also linked this video:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
It's graphic and contains some NSFW language at the end.
He also reports
Different police forces are taking very different approaches to this around the country.
ETA: Faux "News" sheep are now being told the Occupy movement is being led by <del>Islamofascists</del> <del>Communist thugs</del> ACORN! It's like they have a Wheel of Scapegoats and they spin it whenever they have to pin the blame on someone.
ETA2: It gets even better. Now they're pinning it on someone else.
The Red Army? Next they'll somehow imply Mao is behind this. Napoleon? Maybe the force behind the protesters is the Ivan the Terrible?
Congratulations to the mayor and police chief of Oakland for doing their jobs. If the punks didn't want to be treated like lawbreakers they should have stopped breaking the law. Their pathetic First Amendment rights to "protest" do not transcend the rights of everyone else (especially local taxpayers) to enjoy life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness in Oakland. But like their ideological predecessors from the 60's and 70's, these losers figure they're patched in to some higher moral reality. They think their puerile "protests" give them carte blanche to do whatever they want, whenever they want, wherever they want without consequence. Well, here's a flash: the rest of us have rights, too. And when the inevitable conflict with authorities comes, they want to whine and portray themselves as "victims." Even though the conflict with the cops is exactly what they want. A few cracked skulls always makes for good TV. And there are plenty of credulous people out there willing to buy in to their mythology. It's all carefully choreographed agit-prop, with the "useful idiots" doing their thing. They want it both ways: they're brave revolutionaries standing up to the forces of evil, but "I've got rights, I want a lawyer, the cops messed up my hair, etc." Screw 'em. Give 'em the gas. Arrest 'em. One hopes mayors in other cities with chunks of territory being held hostage by these bums will wake up and smell the coffee, too. As I say, if you're playing revolutionary, you've got to expect somebody's gonna take you seriously sooner or later.
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