Re: Obama XV: Now, with 20% more rage
ok... then explain it because tax rates tax on every dollar thereafter... now I can see a disincentive to chase the next dollar... but not a numerical disadvantage... after all, nobody is going to crawl over the ends of the earth for a 5 dollar bill.
I don't doubt that people would want to seek out ways to minimize their exposure... and that will lead to some less than optimal situations... nevertheless, each additional "dollar" you make means you get to keep some fraction of it.
That's impossible, we have folks, right here on this very thread, that can quote economic theory proving that a business would pursue additional $$, no matter what amount of risk.
There are no step functions to risk or is all a straight line and it is possible to expand a business exactly along that line...haven't you been following?
It is clear that no business has ever expanded and not only lost the second investment but also lost the base enterprise. So, that is why instead of sitting on cash, the business owner would be compelled by economic theory to use that cash, take on additional debt and commit to additional obligations to expand in pursuit of another $1, no matter what rate of return they MIGHT realize.
They wouldn't put it in bonds, add to the college fund, pay down debt, buy a boat etc. They would embrace a rising tax and regulatory environment and an uncertain economy and bet the ranch and the dog, literally, because economic theory says that is what they would do.
I mean its not like the current set of facts support the exact opposite...companies and individuals aren't sitting on cash, holding to reduced spending targets, delaying hiring, delaying capital projects...none of that is happening.