Re: Obama XV: Now, with 20% more rage
I guess I just don't understand the reasoning behind slanted coverage on this or the omissions.
these acts of terror, or plots (successful or thwarted) have been done in the name of Islam. What is the point in omitting that fact? who are they trying to placate? Are they afraid of reprisals? or do they think we westerners and our way of life is to blame for the terrorism, or both?
in regard to the cartoonist who's gone into hiding due to her "draw a picture of the prophet" idea...that's just awful. the FBI should be protecting her 24-7 and should also be making bold and dare I say it, BRASH statements that any nutters that come looking for her will be killed. period. certainly the nutters won't be seeking her out to discuss anything, so...
it's pretty scary to me how it seems more and more that Islam is incompatible with Freedom of Speech/western ideals.
if that last bit gets me slammed, so be it. I don't think anyone should expect moving to another country won't involve assimilation.
We had an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court musing publicly the other day about carving out a First Amendment exception for Islam.
The Yale University Press refused to publish the book about the Muhammad cartoon flap, until the "offending" cartoons were removed. Kinda defeaats the purpose of the book, doesn't it?
A guy protested at GZ by burning pages of the Koran, and was promptly fired by his employer. He was on his own time. He violated no law nor ordinance, but he was fired. Where are all the big deal lib ACLU type lawyers who will defend Charles Manson's First Amendment rights? Huh? Where the h**l are they? They would surely defend his right to burn the American flag.
"Imam" Rauf says if he can't build his little Islamist playground near GZ, there "will be trouble." Sounds like the old protection racket to me. Does anybody care that this pig is threatening NYC if he doesn't get his way?
Are we just going to slink off into the night, taking our Constitution and its First Amenment with us? Or are we going to tell Islamic thugs that occasionally being offended is the price you pay for living in a free society?
In short (which of course I never am) the answer to your question is that many of our opinion leaders are scared s**tless of offending Islamists, and what might happen to them if they do.
Ask yourself, would these advocates of American freedom do anything differently if the situation involved Christian nutbars?