Which sophomorically deflects from the fact that some people will in fact oppose her because she is gay. That's not a defense for those that will knee-jerk to legitimate criticisms of the nomination, but get over it.
conservatives try to look past people's differences, while liberals continue to persistently point them out.
Why should I "get over it"? It's the classic empty liberal rebuttal
That's the big difference between conservatives and liberals--conservatives try to look past people's differences, while liberals continue to persistently point them out.
That's the big difference between conservatives and liberals--conservatives try to look past people's differences, while liberals continue to persistently point them out.
Why should I "get over it"? It's the classic empty liberal rebuttal: If you're against their agenda, it's because you hate minorities/women/homosexuals. It couldn't possibly be on the grounds of principles.....no, it must be due to a deep hatred of who the person is.![]()
As much as you'd like to color a portion of conservatives and Republicans as haters, you can't.
Do you even know what SSI and SSDI are? It has nothing to do with retirees.
That's the big difference between conservatives and liberals--conservatives try to look past people's differences, while liberals continue to persistently point them out.
Edit: Kepler, nice link.....I'm sure there are groups that support her nomination solely because she might be gay.
That's the big difference between conservatives and liberals--conservatives try to look past people's differences, while liberals continue to persistently point them out.
My plan? Cut Social Security and Medicare. If you paid into already, tough, it's general funds anyway. That's a 12% tax cut across the board AND I just eliminated 34% of the budget.
Actually, when you include the prebate that everyone gets to cover basic necessities, the Fair Tax has a progressive nature to it. Your effective tax rate would increase as your income and spending go up. Someone who is poor and lives below the poverty level would have an effective tax rate in negative territory.The Fair Tax, as pointed out, means that the rich pay a FAR smaller percentage of their income in taxes. If that's cool by you, fine, but it ain't cool by me. Would it be fair to argue that all 300 million of us should get an equal split of the bill? Why is the Fair Tax just enough to that end of the spectrum and not further?
That's the big difference between conservatives and liberals--conservatives try to look past people's differences, while liberals continue to persistently point them out.
SSI = Social Security Insurance
SSDI = Social Security Disability Insurance
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is financed with Social Security taxes paid by workers, employers, and self-employed persons. To be eligible for a Social Security benefit, the worker must earn sufficient credits based on taxable work to be "insured" for Social Security purposes. Disability benefits are payable to blind or disabled workers, widow(er)s, or adults disabled since childhood, who are otherwise eligible. The amount of the monthly disability benefit is based on the Social Security earnings record of the insured worker.
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a program financed through general revenues. SSI disability benefits are payable to adults or children who are disabled or blind, have limited income and resources, meet the living arrangement requirements, and are otherwise eligible. The monthly payment varies up to the maximum federal benefit rate, which may be supplemented by the State or decreased by countable income and resources. See Understanding Supplemental Security Income for an explanation of SSI benefit payment rates.
SSI = Social Security Insurance
SSDI = Social Security Disability Insurance
How many would actually pay federal income tax? Since half the country pay any, I'm going to say not many.Progressive taxation based on inverse number of years in the country. Legalize the 10 million Mexicans and tax the mios Dios out of them.
How many would actually pay federal income tax? Since half the country pay any, I'm going to say not many.