Slap Shot
I got nothing
Makes you think they hired him on purpose. Plenty of other people out there... PLENTY.
Kind of like Colmes.

Makes you think they hired him on purpose. Plenty of other people out there... PLENTY.
Are you still mad over the bankrupcy thing? Seems that turned out pretty well in hindsight, as the car companies are now making profits and paying back the $$$.
However, lets not make the perfect the enemy of the good. This legislation regulates derivatives, particularly making sure the parties can cover their end of it (read: AIG), as well as cracking down on BS loan applications with no income documentation, and gimmicky teaser rates to hook you into a loan that jack up right afterwards. Do GSE's still need to be dealt with? Sure. Does this leave the country a lot better off? Yup. Lets give thanks to the brave Dems and 3 GOP'ers for supporting this.
PS - House and Senate versions aren't very far apart according to House leaders.
Too much right wing stupidity out here. Lets get down to the bottom line. The more money you make, the less % of it you pay in taxes. Why? Because you take advantage of more pre-tax incentives to shield your income. When you're making 20K a year you rarely have that ability.
Don't take my word for it, talk to Warren Buffett, who is on record stating he pays 3% of his income to taxes while his secretary pays a lot, lot more of her income to taxes.
Moving on, lets all give a big shout out to Obama and the Congress for finally reigning in bad banking practices:
If warren buffet is so up in arms about not paying enough taxes, he should feel free to send a check to the IRS any time he wants.
And you know what? Methinks the IRS wouldn't have a problem endorsing that check either.
This actually bothers me about Buffett. He can do whatever he wants with his personal income... now he's limited with Berkshire Hathaway because of his fiduciary interest to seek ways to make money as required by law (IIRC). Buffett can donate as much as he wants if he feels he isn't kicking in his socially equitable share... any time he wants to.
Moving on, lets all give a big shout out to Obama and the Congress for finally reigning in bad banking practices:
“What we did – and I would be the first to admit it, being the author of the provision – is fairly anemic in light of what we need to be doing,” Senate Banking Committee Chairman Christopher Dodd conceded.
Read more:
“What we did – and I would be the first to admit it, being the author of the provision – is fairly anemic in light of what we need to be doing,” Senate Banking Committee Chairman Christopher Dodd conceded.
Read more:
Other than repealing prohibition, which was more or less a total victory, how many times has Washington done exactly as much as we'd like about anything?![]()
Women's right to vo.... Yeah we blew that one too I guess... kidding
Second worst idea ever behind letting them drive.
Not binding their feet is up there.
That's hilarious - love it.With the current trends of deadbeat dads, college attendance percentage etc. someday the question will be whether women let men vote.
There has rightfully been a focus on ensuring girls are prepared for college and careers etc. over the last few decades...soon it will be "Bring Your Son To Work Day". But he'll be 25 and you'll have to make him stop playing video games, get out of his PJ's and shave if you want to get to work on time.
Nice little mess that Joe Sestak has thrust himself and the White House into. Back in February, he claims that someone in the administration had offered him a Federal job in exchange for dropping out of the Senate race against Specter. The White House denied it. So now there's an interesting little situation isn't there. Either Sestak is a liar, and he wasn't offered a position, which is bad news for him, or he's telling the truth, and someone in the executive branch committed a crime, which of course still isn't very good news for him.
Women's neuroses revolve around having babies. Men's neuroses revolve around having women.
Works out great for the species, though.