Re: Obama Presidential Thread XIX: Starting a new chapter
I'd rather be a well known tea partier than a well known union goon. I don't care about presidential vacations, days off, etc. And what they cost is a matter of no concern, since providing security for the first family is a matter of federal law. As a general rule, these complaints fall into the category of cheap shots.
As to the diet for POTUS and FLOTUS, again it's a matter of no concern to me, except Mrs. Big Bottom, like so many of her liberal bretheren and sisteren, has made a national nag of herself on the question of "eating right," and it wouldn't seem to be expecting too much for her to keep her guilty pleasures from the public. I also don't care if Hussein I smokes. He's got a tough job. It's not illegal. And he evidently makes a great effort to avoid being seen doing it. So if lighting up occasionally helps him get through his days, so what?
We have become a nation of Edna May Olivers, fussbudgets constantly poking our noses into the private lives of our fellow citizens and finding fault. Was it H. L. Mencken who defined a Puritan as someone who lies awake at night, knowing that somewhere somebody is having a good time. And there's nothing he can do about it. Being a nosy pecksniff is not an appropriate ambition.
note: please spare all of us an exegesis about the "evils" of smoking. I'm a former smoker. So keep it to yourself. We know what you're thinking.
Be that as it may, the story on Fox News was staged by known tea partiers...if it's gone beyond that, so be it.
Also, when the Obamas weigh 400 pounds each, then you can call them hypocrites. Until then, bagging on their vacations and eating habits is a farking joke. Or do you think Bush II didn't have security along during all his vacations to his ranch?
I'd rather be a well known tea partier than a well known union goon. I don't care about presidential vacations, days off, etc. And what they cost is a matter of no concern, since providing security for the first family is a matter of federal law. As a general rule, these complaints fall into the category of cheap shots.
As to the diet for POTUS and FLOTUS, again it's a matter of no concern to me, except Mrs. Big Bottom, like so many of her liberal bretheren and sisteren, has made a national nag of herself on the question of "eating right," and it wouldn't seem to be expecting too much for her to keep her guilty pleasures from the public. I also don't care if Hussein I smokes. He's got a tough job. It's not illegal. And he evidently makes a great effort to avoid being seen doing it. So if lighting up occasionally helps him get through his days, so what?
We have become a nation of Edna May Olivers, fussbudgets constantly poking our noses into the private lives of our fellow citizens and finding fault. Was it H. L. Mencken who defined a Puritan as someone who lies awake at night, knowing that somewhere somebody is having a good time. And there's nothing he can do about it. Being a nosy pecksniff is not an appropriate ambition.
note: please spare all of us an exegesis about the "evils" of smoking. I'm a former smoker. So keep it to yourself. We know what you're thinking.
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