Re: Obama 9 -- Its Been a Whole Year Now
Kindly post the CBO analysis of how much this reduces the deficit and how many more people it covers.
Regarding nuclear power, unless the gubmint is footing the bill there's no hope of getting any new ones built. 1st of all, no bank in its right mind will loan the money for a risky project who's cost most likely is greater than the total market cap of the energy company that owns or operates it. 2nd, the insurance on such a thing, again unless the gov is backing it 100% in case of a catastrophe, will be non-existent.
What the government ought to do, and I don't see why this never gets discussed, is expand output at
existing plants. Think about it - less costs because you're not starting from scratch, less NIMBY'ism as location is already selected and operational, no need for new evacuation plans, bribery of local officials, etc. A far more realistic endeavor, and once this is done a new assessment could be made to see if any additional capacity is needed.
Regarding energy, I think Obama is missing an opportunity to package this correctly. Instead of labeling it a "clean energy/cap & trade" thing, he needs to label it "energy independence" of which clean energy is a big part of. Its a lot tougher arguing to keep kowtowing down to Middle East oil countries than to claim global warming doesn't exist.