Re: Obama 10: Rahm it through.....even in the shower.
Where is straight marriage guaranteed by the constitution?
And do you really think civil rights should be decided by a simple majority like what happened in California? With the main support for those supporting proposition 8 coming from people who were using their religion to decide the civil rights of others.
**** those founding fathers and their first amendment! And the original clause in the constitution about no religious test being required for office! How dare people respect the constitution!
I don't care about Pelosi, who is a catholic, and if you want god in politics, why are you complaining when someone does it? You just gave a reason not to have it play any part.
And no "liberal" woman would ever think to have a baby with any kind of defect. There isn't a rolls eyes smilie big enough for you, you disgusting piece of slime.
Palin has also toted her son out and used him as a political tool several times. Even insulted someone with Down syndrome in the process.
I love the quote from her on that.
"I guess former Governor Palin does not have a sense of humor. I thought the line "I am the daughter of the former governor of Alaska" was very funny. I think the word is "sarcasm."
In my family we think laughing is good. My parents raised me to have a sense of humor and to live a normal life. My mother did not carry me around under her arm like a loaf of French bread the way former Governor Palin carries her son Trig around looking for sympathy and votes."
The average American isn't a farmer or living out in the country.
They went after her with venom because she's an inept sycophant. Seeing Russia from Alaska counts as foreign policy experience to her. (Even though she's never personally done it)
Science directly allows 1/3rd of the Earths population to live with the haber process. Try to imagine 2.2 billion people dying of starvation by removing this one process. It allows you to use that computer you're typing on, it eradicated smallpox, one of the greatest killers in human history, every part of your daily life is dominated by things created and understood because of science, could you please tell me what does god do for you? If you want god to make your decisions, perhaps you should move to a theocracy.
Marriage is not a Constitutional Right, hetero or homosexual. However, the norm is hetero not homo. That is tradition. Can the Liberals really force everyone to accept everyone and everything? Where does it stop?! Why can't Billy Bob put down his gun and religion to marry his first cousin Betty Sue?
Yes, such "controversial" and non-traditional concepts should be put to vote... the results you'd probably not like. I thank God that Maine and California put it to vote, as the people spoke loud and clear. That is something the gay left is not accustomed to hearing.
President Obama in one of his many Joe Biden moments when off his umbilical teleprompter, "Yeah, I bowled like I was on the Special Olympics team." Classy Mr. President, from the guy who touted he was not going to be like the last president.
I am not complaining that Pelosi evoked St. Joe (I am glad, though I think she was insincere - she wanted votes); I am saying it is a gross double-standard. The Liberals grouse about the right's use of religion, yet the Liberals recently used religion when they needed to convince their own party to vote in their favor! Even with a majority the Dems could not pass HCB. Seems to me Obama/Pelosi are not that effective in persuading their own party, only after huge edits, ahem, read they are not funding abortions. Liberals love to help terrorists (see the current Attorney General), and kill babies - right?
I think Obama used his rug rats to his benefit too on the campaign trail. Hell, Gov. Deval Patrick kissed a white baby! Isn't that a crime?!
Palin is in the typical Liberal's head, she wins you lose. Even though your guy won, Palin has such a great impact in popular-culture and politics that you guys cannot ignore her as a threat (see that other guy's post below).
Your family. Yeesh, I never met them, but I bet they are a barrel of laughs at the expense of the little people, handicapped persons, mentally ill people, those idiots in the military (thanks Sen. John Kerry) and anyone unlike themselves.
So tell me, oh omniscient one, what is and who is the average American? Because by populous,polls, and numbers (who sadly did not vote but seem angry enough they are organizing now) it ain't the liberal jet-set!
Palin had as much and as little experience as community organizer and ACORN attorney Barrack Hussein Obama.
Malthus... read it. Apply it to 21st century = not everyone can eat, read, write or have a college education. People will die from disease, drugs, or crime; life - make something of it and do not perpetuate stereotypical images. Do not be scared to pull yourself up by the bootstraps, and let's get people off of the government entitlements.
Oh Foxton, we agree to disagree, I've kept it civil, until you decided to call me slime because you cannot see any other viewpoint except your own. People like you are dangerous, and there is no big grin emoticon big enough to put here.
I wish you had some faith (even if it was Muslim!), but you seem as though you are terribly angry. Happy Easter, I will pray to God for your soul, and also that He'll level the playing field for the Republicans.