Re: New/Rented Movies : Pixar actually made a bad movie
I fully admit Pulp Fiction:Me = Dark Knight:Kepler
Every jackhole in the western hemisphere talked about how awesome sauce it was so by the time I saw it I basically thought it was ok. I didnt hate it, but I have never felt the need to watch it a second time.
You're crazy if you didn't think PF was awesome. Now Reservoir Dogs, while OK, was way overblown.
I've mentioned this before, but I've had second thoughts about Dark Knight after watching it a couple more times. I'm willing to admit I was being perverse and overreacting to the fanboy goo to call it a bad movie; it is fine.
So what you meant was You
ulp Fiction :: Me:The Departed, which I still think is the worst movie top to bottom (acting, writing, directing) I've ever seen that wasn't (presumably) intentionally bad.
Wife and I saw
Captain America Saturday. I loved it, first for the amazing 40's stylistics, and also because it is just a fun, good-natured, well done superhero treatment. It's also sociologically important: America as earnest, non-ironic defender of the little guy, not just a callous a-hole bristling with tech or a dark, brooding, borderline sociopath. Basically, we are recovering from the right wing hubris of the unipolar period. We might even be a likable country again in another decade.