Fight Cancer, Wherever You Find It
Re: New/Rented Movies: Now In Smell-O-Rama!
We're really comparing A Scanner Darkly and Avatar?
We're really comparing A Scanner Darkly and Avatar?
We're really comparing A Scanner Darkly and Avatar?
It's just not the same without someone yelling "MORTAL KOMBAT!" and then the techno kicking in...
To those who have seen Avatar, is there anything on the screen that's not CGI? I thought they used the same premise for visuals as that Jim Carey vehicle A Christmas Story released last holiday season.
I'm sorry, Brent, all of your counter-arguments just sound more and more like those of someone resisting, not because of the movie, but because of the hype. I'm done with this argument, though. There's no point discussing this any further.
I'd agree with this. I saw it because I was just curious about how good it would be, and I was pleasantly surprised. Like was said earlier, not too long into the movie you don't even realize that half of it is CGI and the other half is live action, it just blends together and isn't even noticable. In my opinion, that is why it is so well done.So, you'd rather watch a chick flick than Avatar? Avatar was better than most action movies produced today. By a wide margin I'd say.
I still havent seen it...dont have any plans to see it soon either.
Just saying what? That says nothing at all. The films are no different in their cheese. That's Cameron. Always has been.
Personally, I think that is short-sighted, and quite possibly disingenuous. Movies are a visual medium; visual effects are an integral part of what makes a movie watchable. Think of how many movies are panned because the visuals are terrible.
Again, I was of the same mindset as you. Then I was dragged to see it, and I was pleasantly surprised. It's no "Godfather", but it was pretty much thoroughly enjoyable to watch.
I am not 16 years old just seeing cool effects and stuff blowing up isnt usually going to be enough. (sometimes it is, but usually not) Especially not at $10 a movie.
I am glad you changed your mind when you saw and I am glad you thoroughly enjoyed it...that doesn't mean I will or that I should be clamoring to see it. The movie looked and looks stupid in my eyes so guess what, I am not going to see it
Again, my point is that the movie is better than it looks in the trailers, and people who are claiming they never want to see it probably shouldn't make assumptions about it.
Maybe you and Brenthoven can see it at your wedding reception.
Wow...that made...zero sense? Is it possible to make negative sense?
Wow...that made...zero sense? Is it possible to make negative sense?
Makes perfect sense to me!
But we should just go see it because you tell us it is good? The movie doesn't interest me...it didnt when I first read about it, it didnt when the first trailer came out, it didnt when the subsequent trailers came out and it didnt after my friends saw it and gave me their wide ranging opinions on it.
I am sorry, but if I dont want to see a movie I am not going to. I find it a bit arrogant that you think you know what I should see and what I will enjoy. Criticize my opinion on a flick all you like, that is fun and I always welcome that. I am not choosing to not see it because I want to be "that guy who withstood the hype" I dont care about the hype. If I was going to do that I would have avoided Iron Man 2 which was ridiculously overhyped. The visual effects, even if they are the greatest ever, are not enough to make me want to go see the movie. Plain and simple.
I am all for a good popcorn flick (though never at full price ) but they have to offer something...nostalgia or well anything. No one I know who has seen the movie (most of whom loved it FWIW) have convinced me that I am missing out because I never saw it. Get it?
Star Wars had space, and honestly, as a movie? It wasn't Oscar worthy or anything.
Bah! Moving pictures will never catch on. That'd be like women voting!MOVING PICTURES.