Re: New/Rented movies: Here comes the movie to change all movies
Just went and saw it tonight. I liked it, and yeah DiCaprio's half-a55ed Boston accent was amusing. I will say that the plot twist towards the end didn't fully sink in for me until the final scene. Probably because I thought about it too much.
Shutter Island was one of the two films I saw this weekend. I actually thought it was fantastic. I'm probably biased by my love of Scorsese's work, but I really felt like he did a great job of creating a
true horror movie- one in which fear and dread build up throughout the movie and not released periodically in pointless action and sudden scares. I felt like it was a great combination of film noir and horror, and I was genuinely intrigued at every step of the way. Definately a very masterful use of dream sequences to help tie the film together. I'm certain they will mean something radically different to me when I see the film a second time.
The ending would have struck me as a little too convenient (those who have seen it might know what I'm talking about) and a little too much like it would have come from a certain other writer/director (I'm being purposefully obtuse so as not to spoil anything, but again: if you've seen the movie, you probably know who I mean). But Leonardo DiCaprio's last line of the movie really added a lot of depth to what happens and really saved the ending of the movie to me.
The other film was Avatar, which I finally got around to seeing. The synopsis of the movie gives away almost everything. Nothing that happens is a surprise or feels very revealing, and the dramatic element of the film felt very "paint by number" to me. Shoot, as far as drama, tension and depth of character, this was hardly beyond the scope of Fern Gully.
With all that said... wow, is it ever a pretty movie. Even on a smaller screen, and without 3D, I was amazed at the technical quality of what I was seeing. We were all afraid of it looking like a video game when we first saw the trailer, and we were definately wrong. Despite the insanely bright color palatte, the film looked amazing and full of life. And despite all the sentimental obviousness... James Cameron can direct a freakin' action scene.