One of our holiday traditions is "the Christmas Day movie," where we all pack up, get out of the house, and go see one of the latest offerings. The tradition within the tradition is that the girls pick the movie, and it invariably involves tremendous suffering, with the main character (or the family pet) dying at the end. We never get to see the latest Star Wars movie.
This year, because there is a new baby in the family, the decision was made to rent a movie, The Holdovers, with Paul Giamatti. Movies like Dead Poets Society or Good Will Hunting are normally not my first choice, even though they may be fine movies. But, I really liked The Holdovers. It was probably Giamatti, who I have always liked, but as character driven movies go, I felt like this one was a keeper.
Without giving away spoilers, Giamatti plays a one-eyed, smelly, Jim Beam swilling teacher of ancient history at an eastern prep school, one who gets special enjoyment out of failing everyone. He is charged with spending Christmas break at the school supervising a handful of students who have nowhere else they can go. Just when it seems the movie is setting you up for some sort of re-visit of a Breakfast Club battle between misfit students and an adult supervisor, the movie takes a twist.
I give it a thumbs up.