I still haven't updated my online NCAA financials spreadsheet (and as the 2019 reports are starting to become available I will probably wait until I have all of them), but the reports show a mix.
Earned Hockey Revenue
Michigan's revenue for 2018 was 3rd highest for the previous 9 years (2010-18) and up 2.4% from 2017, but down 22.1% from the peak year of 2011.
Michigan State's revenue for 2018 was the highest for the previous 9 years (2010-18) and up 17.7% over 2017, the second highest year (which was up 22.9% over the 3rd highest year of 2013).
Minnesota's revenue for 2019 was the lowest out of 11 years (2009-19), with 2018 second lowest and 2017 fourth lowest. 2019 was 1.6% lower than 2018 and 26.9% lower than the peak year of 2014.
Ohio State's revenue for 2018 was highest for the previous 9 years (2010-18) and up 8.7% from 2017, the second highest year (which was up 13.6% over the third highest year of 2015). 2016 was the fourth highest year, so for OSU moving to the B1G appears to have befitted the hockey program.
Penn State's revenue for 2018 was only 3rd highest for the previous 6 years (2013-18), down 2.2% from 2017, the peak year.
Wisconsin's revenue for 2018 was 2nd for 8 of the previous 9 (2010-12, 2014-18 - I have excluded 2013 due to the large contributions likely for paying down the debt on Kohl Center), down 8.6% from 2012 (which also had over double the normal contributions and likely for Kohl Center debt), while 2017 is 3rd highest.
Overall Earned Revenue
Michigan's revenue for 2018 was the highest, with 2017 2nd highest and 2016 3rd highest
Michigan State's revenue for 2018 was highest, 2017 2nd, etc. to 2010, the lowest.
Minnesota's revenue for 2019 was highest, 2018 2nd, 1016 3rd, 2015 4th and 2017 5th
Ohio State's revenue for 2018 was highest, 2017 2nd, 2016 3rd, 2015 4th, 2014 5th
Penn State's revenue for 2018 was highest, 2017 2nd, etc. back to 2013
Wisconsin's revenue for 2018 was highest, 2013 2nd, 2017 3rd, 2016 4th, 2014 5th, 2015 6th
Media Rights Revenue
Michigan's revenue for 2018 was highest (nearly $41 million), with 2017 2nd (over $23 million). Michigan didn't report 2016 media revenue separately like they are supposed to, but it looks likely it was around $22 million. FOr 2015 it was $22.5 million.
Michigan State's revenue for 2018 was highest (nearly $41 million), with 2015 2nd, 2016 3rd and 2017 4th (all $23-24 million)
Minnesota's revenue for 2019 was highest (nearly $44 million), 2018 2nd (nearly $41 million), 2017 3rd ($23+ million), 2016 4th ($22+ million) and 2015 5th ($21.5 million)
Ohio State's revenue for 2018 was highest ($42.5 million), 2017 was 2nd ($25.6 million), 2015 3rd ($24.7 million), 2016 4th (just under $24.7 million)
Penn State's revenue for 2018 was highest ($38.4 million), 2015 was 2nd ($26 million), 2017 was 3rd ($23.3 million), 2016 4th ($23.3 million)
Wisconsin's revenue for 2018 was largest ($54 million), 2017 2nd ($35.4 million), 2016 3rd ($32.6 million), 2015 4th ($30.5 million)
So while hockey revenue was not grown for all the schools, their overall revenue as grown and their media revenue has exploded