Re: Maine thread (cont) - Hobey Abbott goes Dancing
Those are nice ideas but hold limited truth.
Coverage of UMaine sports outside of Bangor/Orono is atrocious. In the Portland newspaper and TV stations, unless a playoff game is that night, they're never a cover story... and you can't blame them... it's a supply and demand world, college hockey is still a niche sport following, even in a small community oriented state like Maine with UMaine.
As a resident of the Portland area, there were many years where I could watch just about every UNH home game because our area got NH Public Access...but rarely found a televised UMaine game. Had to listen on the radio/online. How many casual, unaffiliated fans are doing that?
45% of the state's population lies in the 3 southernmost counties. Most of that region: the drive to Orono is equal or longer than the drive to Boston. Look at BC's Brian Dumoulin. He's a Biddeford, ME native who grew up going to BC games ... it was a 1.5 hour drive to Boston or a 2.5 hour drive to Orono.
And while AD Steve Abbott is working hard to incorporate southern maine, and send TV feeds to the it stands right now, unless you're already a fan, or an alum...not too many 'casual' and 'unaffiliated' fans are tuning into the grainy, low def feed on a Friday night, especially if the Bruins or Celtics are on.
So at the end of the day, exposure to the casual fan isn't too different. And I'll go ahead an bet that most people who showed up at the Garden wearing blue were not unaffiliated, casual fans. So really, the playing field is somewhat equal...if not lopsided in the Bostons' favor due to game location and in BU's case: student and alumni numbers. And for a casual fan to jump on a bandwagon? I'd say BC's multi-sport BRAND is a helll of a lot bigger and more appealing than UMaines.
So it's like...
How do those schools sell 6,000 tickets for most regular season games, and hardly look like they got 2,000 to show up for a playoff game at TD?
I bet most people from Maine (non-alums) root for Maine hockey because their alma maters either don't have hockey or play at a lower level. Also, the Bruins are hours away so the casual sports fan can gravitate to UMaine hockey and be passionate about it. In Boston, the average fans allegiances are split among a ton of teams and no one team dominates the casual fan's focus. BC maybe, but not really. The Blackbears are truly Maine's team
Those are nice ideas but hold limited truth.
Coverage of UMaine sports outside of Bangor/Orono is atrocious. In the Portland newspaper and TV stations, unless a playoff game is that night, they're never a cover story... and you can't blame them... it's a supply and demand world, college hockey is still a niche sport following, even in a small community oriented state like Maine with UMaine.
As a resident of the Portland area, there were many years where I could watch just about every UNH home game because our area got NH Public Access...but rarely found a televised UMaine game. Had to listen on the radio/online. How many casual, unaffiliated fans are doing that?
45% of the state's population lies in the 3 southernmost counties. Most of that region: the drive to Orono is equal or longer than the drive to Boston. Look at BC's Brian Dumoulin. He's a Biddeford, ME native who grew up going to BC games ... it was a 1.5 hour drive to Boston or a 2.5 hour drive to Orono.
And while AD Steve Abbott is working hard to incorporate southern maine, and send TV feeds to the it stands right now, unless you're already a fan, or an alum...not too many 'casual' and 'unaffiliated' fans are tuning into the grainy, low def feed on a Friday night, especially if the Bruins or Celtics are on.
So at the end of the day, exposure to the casual fan isn't too different. And I'll go ahead an bet that most people who showed up at the Garden wearing blue were not unaffiliated, casual fans. So really, the playing field is somewhat equal...if not lopsided in the Bostons' favor due to game location and in BU's case: student and alumni numbers. And for a casual fan to jump on a bandwagon? I'd say BC's multi-sport BRAND is a helll of a lot bigger and more appealing than UMaines.
So it's like...
How do those schools sell 6,000 tickets for most regular season games, and hardly look like they got 2,000 to show up for a playoff game at TD?
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