Ma#1ne Hky
New member
Re: Maine 2012-2013 Fade to Black
Its past history...time to move've made your point and others have's time to think ahead and for a better outlook in Maine your BC thing and we'll do our Maine thing.Hey genius, as I stated, if you google Exter Eaves collision, there's about one million hits that come up, everything from ESPN, to SI, to the Globe, to Wikipedia and they all (as in every last one of them) say the EXACT same thing, that Eave's knee hit Exter's head. So if you have a problem with Wiki, then try one of the other 999,999 stories. No grey area, just the facts, maybe you can go to an internet cafe (if they even have them in Bangor) and use one of their computers to look it up if you don't want to take my word.
Next you'll be saying that Ryan merely slipped and "fell" into Voce while trying to congratulate him on the goal when he smashed him face first into the boards...